Friday 25 March 2016

The Power of Defining Yourself

In the pursuit of happiness through career, wealth, family and friends we often forget to focus on enriching ourselves with teachings of great men, one of them could be you! It’s not only about comprehending but applying these teachings in our daily life. A new thought can change the whole outlook of life.
As a human being, each one of us is imbibed with the ability of achieving greatness. We have the upper hand over other living beings as we transfer our knowledge to next generation. With the immense web of knowledge, we need to develop and inculcate the habit of enriching ourselves as when we will be ready, we will realize the reason for us to be here.

1. Learning New Things

Saturday 19 March 2016

10 Tips to Motivate Yourself to Work Harder And Achieve Your Goals

Everybody has dreams. However, dreams don’t come true unless you find a way to turn those dreams into goals and then find ways to motivate yourself to achieve those goals. Here are ten tips to help you do that.

1. Associate With The Right People

Wednesday 16 March 2016

7 Positive Affirmations To Tell Yourself Every Day

You are your own best friend and the one most important person in your life. Therefore it is so crucial to consider the way you talk and treat yourself daily. Often we judge ourselves, we feel guilty after doing something wrong and we constantly put ourselves down. Think what a huge difference it will make once you start talking to yourself in a more positive way- with more awareness and kindness. Using only a couple of these affirmations will make significant changes to your daily life.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

8 Things You Should Do When You Cannot Make a Decision

One thing we all have in common is making choices every day, whether we like it or not. Decisions are a big part of our daily life and often we struggle with making the right one. That’s when doubt, perfectionism and distractions get in the way. And we end up regretting our choice, feeling bad about it, and constantly wondering if we could have made a wiser decision.
If that sounds familiar, don’t worry. Sometimes we just need to choose an option and make the most of it. But in case you often cannot make a decision, here are some things you can do to make it easier.